Digital Marketing Strategy

Successful digital marketing strategy implemented at Nordnet


According to Acando, which performs a yearly survey regarding digital maturity, the largest digital development is within transport and logistics, and the fastest development is within industry and technology. Bank and finance is the only sector which showed a negative digital development in 2017.

It was in this landscape, in an industry striving to achieve digital success, that Nordnet’s owners looked into their own digital maturity. They reached the conclusion that Nordnet was facing several digital challenges. Both changes and investments were necessary to make sure that online efforts were to be fully effective.

A clear strategy and muscles were essential in order to succeed.

Curamando initiates an intense seven-week project to analyse the digital strategy

In order to get a clearer image of how Nordnet was standing digitally, Curamando was hired to evaluate:

  • The digital marketing strategy
  • The organisation and digital operational model
  • The digital channels for customer acquisition to see the potential in bought and organic traffic.
  • Requirements and plan to drive an accelerated marketing strategy forward.

The amount of information at hand, as well as actual data, are essential components in order to give a clear recommendation. The project found several areas of improvement.

The analysis resulted in:

  • A business case to demonstrate the effect that a substantially increased marketing budget would have
  • Tactical plans to increase converting traffic (both bought and organic)
  • A suggestion for how the digital department should be organised.
  • A suggestion regarding the roles that the digital team should include to meet the digital challenges, and how growing in number would strengthen the team

The results were shown to the board, who decided to go through with the plan. A digital direction was established throughout the company.

Curamando fills in the blanks

As the strategy was built on aggressive development in results and competence, it was vital to quickly get people in place that could start working towards the new goals.

Curamando filled key positions within paid traffic, organic traffic (SEO), analysis, content and comprehensive strategic consulting. Step by step, responsibilities were handed over to internal resources when the right person for the role was found, and when the digital maturity was on the right level.

What happens next?

The digital goals regarding traffic and customer acquisition have been surpassed. Curamando will continue working with Nordnet to ensure that the agenda is pushed forward.

This is not to say that the journey is over. If we’re looking at the overall development within digitalisation, not only in bank and finance but in all industries, we know that new challenges will arise.

What we also know, is that Nordnet is now better equipped to take on new challenges and to be at the forefront of development.

Key success factors

  • A strong business case to demonstrate the effect that an increased marketing budget would have
  • Strengthening the marketing team by hiring people with digital competence
  • Jumpstart in execution by insourcing consultants

Would you like to read another client case? Read about how Curamando helped Nordax.

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