Increasing online sales

Curamando helped Fredells increase its online sales by 93%


Fredells is a family-owned building supplier, founded in Stockholm in 1903. Its target customers are conscious professionals and consumers. Mid-2017, it launched an online store to target consumers at

The challenge

The competition from digitally mature competitors without a background as a brick and mortar business was increasing. For Fredells, as well as other retail businesses within the segment, the digital transformation was challenging.

Fredells was facing great challenges in growing its digital sales on the highly competitive market. This was despite being a major player in the construction and home improvement market, with good brand recognition and loyal customers in the Stockholm area.

To keep up with the tough competition and the aggressive targets in its digital sales channel, Fredells needed support – both in defining and executing an effective digital business strategy.

Curamando was contracted to accelerate digital sales

To get a better understanding of Fredells’ digital position and challenge, Curamando evaluated the following areas:

  • The digital marketing and sales channel strategy
  • The organisation and digital operational model
  • The customers’ search and shopping behaviour

The combination of a great amount of data at hand, as well as access to external partners and key persons in the organisation, several areas of improvement were identified.

Strategic focus to maximise ROAS

Based on the findings, a tactical plan was created. This plan was focused on increasing digital sales without increasing the performance marketing budget .

To be able to maximise ROAS (Return on Ad Spend), a solid KPI structure for digital performance marketing was set up, along with dashboards to monitor development in real time.

With main KPIs and digital marketing targets in place, Curamando helped Fredells define clearer requirements for its paid traffic partner to improve results. To place a heavier focus on content creation and organic visibility, an SEO education for Fredells internal marketing team was conducted. Furthermore, frameworks and tools intended to simplify and improve the workflow were put in place.

The sales channel evaluation showed great potential in additional digital performance marketing channels, which were introduced with a distinct focus on high ROAS according to the new KPI structure and targets.

A few technical updates in the e-commerce platform were made to support the digital performance marketing channels and to ensure the data quality in all external platforms. Whilst acquiring more traffic to the website, some technical actions were taken to ensure reliable processes and uptime.

The result – online sales increased by 93%

We quickly saw impressive results after implementing the tactical plan. Within two months, online visitors increased by 25% and digital sales increased by 93%. These remarkable results were achieved without an increase in headcount or marketing budget, but with a strategic focus and swift decision-making.

Working closely with Fredells’ marketing team ensured long-term value and enhanced the internal capacity to grow the e-commerce business, through education and frameworks.

With help from Curamando, we saw quick results. Curamando’s experts rationally entered and temporarily injected a high level of skills in various areas crucial for online sales. Thanks to this we’re seeing a positive trend in our online sales, but more importantly, we now know what our focus areas should be.”

Lina Jelbring, Head of Marketing at Fredells

Key success factors

  • Curamando’s integration with Fredells’ marketing team, working on site as part of an existing team
  • Strong support from board and management
  • Close cooperation and 100% strategic focus
  • Speedy decision-making, agile work processes and methods
  • The groundwork – doing things in the right order

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